viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

Interesting cartoons for discussion

Have a look at these cartoons and try to think of a possible explanation of them to discuss in class. You can also write your comments if you wish. They have been taken from

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Child Labour during the Industrial Revolution

We've been working on this striking topic in History and English classes. The students in groups have prepared some oral presentations. Here we can see some examples:

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Our own webs

As an activity for the English class, the students have invented their own business, they have written to a bank manager asking for a loan for their company and then our language assistant, Jacquie, acting as a bank manager, has interviewed them. After this interesting activity they have learnt how to make webpages in the technology class and have advertised their business there. Here we have the sites:
Fco javier Carmona, Marcos and Aníbal Ibáñez
Alejandra Criado and Setefilla Caballero
Maribel Pedersen, Helena Moreda and Paloma Maraver
Cristina and Marta García
Elena Alba, Jaime Vázquez and Marta Domínguez
Fco José Pérez and Carlos López
Charo Romero and Carolina Pino
Andrea Martínez, María Lorenzana, Marta Sirodey
Jose Daniel Verdejo and Alberto Raposo
Javier Rodríguez, Cristina Olveira and Eva Ballesteros
Pablo Spearpoint, Pablo Delgado and Bruno Pozo

We are back!!!! What a great trip!

We are back from our trip. It has been great. We've seen and done lots of things in only three days. These are the photographs:

martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

We're Going to London in May!!!!

We are preparing our trip to London with different activities. We have sold Christmas cakes and lottery tickets to get some money. Then we have read a book called TRIP TO LONDON which has given us some idea of the city, its customs and curiosities. Finally we have a WIKI called "Going to London" in which ten groups of three student will be working on a specific topic, monument or place in this fantastic city. When they finish, they will record a presentation for the rest of the group as they will have to introduce their place, or monument when they are in London. Finally when all groups have finished, they will have to complete a QUIZ. It will be a competition.
To see in advance what you are going to visit, click on these links:
St Paul's Cathedral

Westminter Abbey
Natural History Museum
British Museum

Eratosthenes and the Measurement of the Earth's circumference

De Medición del radio de la tierra por 3º ESO Bilingüe

Last Thursday 26th March we did an experiment with our Bilingual teachers: we tried to measure the circumference of the Earth in the same way Eratosthenes did in the century II before Christ. He discovered then that the Earth was not flat.
We studied Eratosthenes's life in the English class, in Geography we learnt all the processes he followed until he calculated the radius of the Earth. In Maths we learnt some trigonometry, specifically tangents, to be able to measure the angle of the sun's shadow length. Finally, in the technology class we spent a week building a gnomon, or stick, to be able to measure the sun's shadow length every ten minutes when the sun rays were overhead.
We took the data and sent the results to an observatory centre in Barcelona.

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

International Women's day

To celebrate Women's day we are going to do a Treasure Hunt. You will find information about some British and American women and then will match their name to some facts about them. Click here to find the link.